- I had a couple interviews this week for two very good programs. Two more to follow in the next two weeks. I always find it interesting the extremely friendly yet underlying tense atmosphere behind interviews especially when it is happening en masse. It's also intriguing how one portrays and sees oneself because it is a time where you're putting yourself on display, like a product to be purchased.
- I think these interviews were actually the first time I've faced the 'panel' format versus the in vogue 'MMI' more commonly seen for medical school and residency interviews. The most striking difference is it is essentially over before you know it. There's no rest time to regroup. You gotta lay it out all on the line all at once.
- I really like that music can be (in fact it should be) a shared experience. Some of my most favourite and unique artists, were from friends' recommendations. Basia Bulat is an example, from my friend Courtney who randomly went to her concert, and I've posted one of her songs below.
- I wrote 'can be a shared experience' above because it's not always shared. It can often be a rather unilateral dictation of what people should or should not like especially in the blogosphere, or what's good and what isn't. I've always maintained that songs I post here are "favourites" (i.e. subjective taste), and not something that can be objectively seen as "best".
- Speaking of favourites, Arcade Fire is out with their newest album Reflektor. I've listened to it a few times and the album as a whole isn't quite pulling me in. It's growing on me a little but, only a few isolated songs stand out to me. I posted my favourite one below.
- Another pet peeve about the blogosphere climate is only a handful give credit where it's due or cite the site (lol) when they post something "new". Comes with the pretentiousness I guess.
- I miss gourde season.
Arcade Fire - We Exist