23 January 2011

post-hibernation midpoint post + inaugural life-choice charts

Goddammit, it never fails! I don't think I've ever been able to blog for more than two months at a time consistently. It's funny to see when I track my stats that I was still getting a couple visits each month. Must have been an unfortunate interweb straggler or a very bored friend.

Anyways, a new category I'd like to introduce are the "Life-choice charts", basically outlining who's winning the horse race to own my life starting in little more than a year (holy shit!).

Without further ado, here are the initial rankings:

  1. Internal Medicine
      The long-term frontrunner. In all honesty, EM has been the only one that has come close to toppling it. There are too many subspecialties in its massive blob of a "specialty" that I like. I get far more satisfaction in solving complex problems than performing a fix, even if the results aren't yielded immediately. I even enjoy its bread and butter. Diabetes and hypertension, hooray! To this point though, I haven't experienced true IM in the city. Will it crush my spirits?

  2. Emergency Medicine
      Easily becoming my favourite part of the rural clerkship despite the long-ish 12-hour shifts. Variety is the spice of life, keeps me sharp, and where I learn the most. Includes the coolest of the cool problems, but also some of the most frustrating too. Working ~14 days/month with no call? I could live with that. Red flags abound like a minesweeper field - shift work, "NYD", shift work, shift work. My family history tells me I should know better.

  3. Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation
      There isn't much about physiatry I don't like, but there's also a lot that I do like outside of physiatry. Laid back and great schedule but can I stay sane in a relatively narrow field?

  4. Family Medicine
      I'd rather do something than nothing at all.

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