26 October 2011

Coldplay and Mylo Xyloto

Tonnes of new music has been released in recent weeks and I'm doing my best to get through all of it.

Of course, the big news is the release of Coldplay's newest album, Mylo Xyloto. I've listened to it solidly 3-4 times from top to bottom now, and if I could describe it in a nutshell, it'd be... not bad. For me though, with A Rush of Blood to the Head being one of the most influential albums in my adolescence and Parachutes being arguably even better as a whole, I've always had high standards for these guys when they come out with new stuff. In a way, I've been kind of sad their sound has gotten a lot more busy and cluttered over the years, but I understand it comes with the turf as they fill massive arenas for their (excellent) shows.
Anyways, a few great tracks including "Charlie Brown", "Hurts Like Heaven" and I'd even put "Every Tear is a Waterfall" in that category. Lots of fillers though. If I had to rank their albums to date from favourite to least favourite:

  1. Parachutes - every. track. is. great. 
  2. A Rush of Blood to the Head - The top two are more like 1a and 1b. I have more an emotional tie with this album than Parachutes, but just a shave below in quality, in my opinion. 
  3. Viva La Vida or Death and All His Friends - a big drop-off from 2nd to 3rd place. This album actually took a while to grow on me. 
  4. Mylo Xyloto - see above.
  5. X&Y - A few really really good tracks on this album like "Fix You"and "Talk", but a lot of songs I just didn't like, especially in the last half of the album. 

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