07 February 2013

Blink, and it's off to the center of Canada's universe

It's funny looking back to six months ago how terrified I was at the prospect of this rotation. I don't know what it is or was that caused obstetrics to give me so much anxiety. Now I face obstetrics call as almost like any other day, but with it just being a tad longer. As I increase the number of deliveries, perineal repairs and "exams" under my belt, the more it becomes something I look forward to doing. Muscle memory. Myelination. But you'll never corner me to say this type of work will be a focus of mine in the future!

The other day I delivered my first baby "independently". I use that word loosely because there is always a ton of nurses around, and an obstetrician peeked in to make sure everything was going ok, but it was the first time I didn't have the most responsible physician right over my shoulder until the placenta was on its way out and the hard part was over. She was in her third pregnancy, and this baby came out fast. I think there were... two pushes. Probably could have sneezed him out if she wanted. Anyways, it was a scary rush, like being let go on that two wheeled bike for the first time, and I felt great about it afterwards. The safety net was there of course, but it sure felt a lot farther away.

In a few days I'm off to Toronto for a month-long ICU elective. I've always had a great time in that city, but we'll see how it goes working there for a month. I'm staying with two good friends where I will be resuming my role as "Dupri", or Ted to Lily and Marshall, or the Phoebe/Joey to everybody else. It's an odd but familiar and comfortable role :-)

Don't know what to expect! Onward, ho!

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