06 April 2013

Hurry up, spring + new Bonobo

It's that funny time of year, well maybe especially this year. Mother nature teases us with the March equinox and the longer days, the sun beaming through the windows, but she's still keeping it nippy in these parts. Normally in Ottawa (apparently), the green is all around, but this year there's no denying that she's letting Old Man Winter linger a little longer.

Oh well, that's fine with me. I'm just happier with the extended daylight hours, and that I can ride my bike through the Market. Respirology is almost done, and I'd say it was probably the toughest rotation I was on so far in residency. Mental fatigue not so much due to long hours, which I can handle, but moreso from seeing tons of cases with dismal outlooks (idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, end-stage COPD, lung cancers galore) and scratching tooth and nail to try to get some improvement or at least good follow-up for these people. It's also strange seeing Emergency from this side... I understand the political divide in the hospital a bit better now which I'd rather not delve into right now, but at the same time I really don't see much of a solution. Not many solutions + not many solutions for the politics = many frustrations.

With that, I'll try to focus on it being close to spring. Running my first race of the year tomorrow, just a 5 km to get things going. Aiming for a sub 5 min/km time.

Of course, I'll leave you with a tune today. Bonobo is out with a new album, The North Borders. He has an interesting interview up on NPR where he discusses sampling actual sounds you hear out in real life... trains, water, etc. His previous album didn't actually stick with me very much, but I like this one. It's excellent for almost any setting... chilling, reading, hosting -- a good sign it's gonna rack up some play counts with me :)

Below is "Jets", one of my favourite songs from the album.

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