I was walking in the Market today and a woman exclaimed, "I have enough stress in my life as it is!"
Immediately I was annoyed but I couldn't tell why. Everyone has stressful events in their life, and they're rarely easy. Not only that, but I don't know who she is, or to what stressful event(s) to which she was referring. And some people truly do go through some extremely difficult tribulations in their lifetime.
However, there was something about the statement I found irritating. The tone seemed entitled, in some ways disrespectful, which also seemed to convey in her body language. But the biggest thing I realized was the statement itself. Does she have a magic ruler that measures that she has surpassed her lifetime permitted stress levels? Has she been able to compare or quantify that her stress is more significant or more important than those around her?
Again, let me reiterate. I am not doubting this person has stress, is/was struggling with some current stressor(s) in her life, or has a valid reason to feel "stressed". What I truly have issue with is that she was using her stress or whatever affliction she has to justify or allow her to shit on the person/people around her.
The more general point I'm trying to get to is that too often it seems people decide certain conditions, afflictions, privilege or abilities are justification to be downright disrespectful to people around them. Sadly it's rather commonplace in medicine. It can happen with staff to learners, physicians to patients, physicians to nurses, or residents to nurses (or vice versa!). It drives me nuts. We're all human beings so let's treat each other like they're one too.
I'm not trying to be a debbie downer. It's Friday! We've all been guilty at least a couple times of a similar situation above, so let's try to change that. Be kind to one another, and at the very least, respectful. Be nice to your bartender or waitress tonight. Try to dial down the road rage. It's not all about me, and it's not all about you.
Enjoy the company.
Friday night music //
Got two treats for you tonight. First, I spent half my day off the other day compiling this playlist and making sure the flow was just right. It's a relaxed, chilled out playlist full of songs featuring female vocalists encompassing a number of genres, including some of my favourite releases from this year. The lady on the cover is London Grammar's Hannah Reid.
The next song is from American folk rock band Dawes. Also fitting for a laid back Friday night in its own way.
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