I think this is one of those times, however, when I'm not as regretful. As Modest Mouse says, "sometimes life's OK". It's been a busy past couple months with longer hours at work, applying for future endeavours, committees or commitments around work like journal club or meetings, and trying to stay active. Unfortunately, blogging isn't the only thing that takes a step back. I haven't had a long chat with my family for a couple weeks although I've shot a few emails and texts a couple times a week.
Of course, since it's been almost two months(!!) since I've posted, there's a lot to share!
First off, a rare comment about a medical matter. Over the last couple months, word has gotten out about a new decision rule to be used in emergency departments developed here in Ottawa: the Ottawa SAH (subarachnoid hemorrhage) rule. Some of the same people brought us the well-known Ottawa ankle rules, Ottawa knee rules, and CATCH pediatric CT rules, Canadian CT head rules, and Canadian C-spine rules. Some people like long walks on beaches, but these guys prefer to make RULES. Who can blame them? They make clinical decision-making for some difficult scenarios a lot more streamlined and methodical.
The unique side of things from my side is that this is the first time that I've been close to the action, so to speak. It's making some waves in local press, but it's also intriguing to see one of these rules come hot out of the oven with its results, and immediate response, critique and feedback in essentially real-time in the medical community. It is impressive that it offers 100% sensitivity, but what's even more interesting is how they're able to achieve that goal, as detailed in this blog post. You can find a more critical discussion here. It will be interesting how this unfolds in the next few months.
On to music...
The number of quality releases in 2013 continues. As previously discussed, I was a huge fan of Entertainment! and Random Access Memories which were my big two for a huge chunk of the first half of the year. In the tier below, I also listened heavily to new albums by Tegan & Sara, the National, Savages, How to Destroy Angels and Bonobo, and more.
This fall there has been another massive wave of solid albums. As solid as two-week old bread. Wait, that's not a good analogy. What's a good solid? Like a never-ending popsicle on a hot summer day.
I've been trying to simultaneously balance...
- Haim, Days Are Gone (I was waiting for it for months and gosh it did not disappoint)
- London Grammar, If You Wait
- Lorde, Pure Heroine
- Disclosure, Settle
Lastly, in tribute of the end of the best ever shows on television, and from another great 2013 album...
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